Tuesday, July 21, 2009

He Who Remains Nameless...

Hey y'all! If you followed my blog last year, welcome back! If you're new to the blog, or the Extreme Mustang Makeover in general, visit www.extrememustangmakeover.com for a little background information.

I'm happy to report that I'll be competing in the under-saddle portion of the 2009 Extreme Mustang Makeover: Eastern Stampede this year alongside my little (or not so little...) brother! My father (www.thebartmustangproject.blogspot.com) is sitting this year's competition out to support the two of us. Do I have a great Daddy or what?

I have a feeling things will get pretty heated between my little brother, Chapin, and me. I think we're what you might call "competitive."

Okay, now on to the good stuff! I was paired up with this little doll of a gelding. He's about 14.2 hands tall, dark bay (nearly black), with two white stockings and a white blaze. He has a very refined face, and large intelligent eyes. He looks almost like a little Arabian! Not at all like the mustangs I'm used to seeing. And his temperament? I'm so blessed again this year. So far, he's the perfect picture of a willing partner *knock on wood*! He's alert, but without being timid; confident, but without being pushy; he's curious, gentle, and seems to be very intelligent. I couldn't have hand-selected a better partner!

I didn't get started with him until this past Sunday (I was out of the country; the boys were sweet enough to pick him up for me!), but we hit the ground running! Sunday, Day One, he didn't so much as snort at me! At the beginning of our lesson, I ran him around the round pen for just a second...just long enough to get his attention, then started working on disengaging his hindquarters to get both eyes looking at me. He picked up on the concept very quickly. I slowly moved closer and closer, making little crescents around him to keep him pointed my di
rection. Before too terribly long, I was within just a few feet of him! Chapin was encouraging me through the whole process. I had a total girl moment when he asked, "Can you feel his breath yet?" as the mustang reached his nose forward. I must say, I got a little teary
eyed :) He ended up closing the gap between the two of us by touching his nose to my hand. What an awesome experience! There is nothing like that first touch between a mustang and a human. At that point, I felt like we had made enough progress for the first day.

On Day Two, I ended up working with the little fella twice. The first time was before I left for work in the morning. We just recapped all the lessons from the day before. Later that evening, I worked on the human touch a little more. My triumph for Day Two? I got his neck tag off! Yay!

Day Three (Tuesday/today) I worked on increasing his tolerance of human touch. I can advance from the front and from both sides, and rub all the way down his neck to his withe
on both sides. He'll even let me rub his ears! He's really a great little guy. So great, in fact, that I can't settle on a name because I want it to be perfect!! Any ideas?


Kathy K said...

Name him already, Em!
I think Tusox (two socks) is a great name! But don't go with any of those others suggested at dinner ;-)

WhisperingRainFarms said...

What about BarTender for a name? Taken from "Bar T."
I'm Amber Mathewson and will also be a trainer in the Eastern Stampede. This is my first experience with a wild mustang, so I hope to learn allot.
Maybe we will meet at the competition.

doctorhafiz said...

i was thinking maybe the name "Amicus" would be a good one lol your a genius Emily for thinking of that lol you should name him Amicus !

Emily Thomas said...

Thanks for all your input, y'all! I do appreciate it! Amber, do keep in touch! My email is ethomas04@gmail.com. Can't wait to hear about your little guy!

jbowen87 said...

Hi Emily, it's Jamie, Jill's little mil bro. Congrats with all the success you've had with your current project. I think you're pretty awesome. Hooah!