Monday, July 27, 2009

My Amicus

I've had my little man for just over a week now. I'm in love! I've always been a mare kind of girl...I've never really been interested enough in a particular gelding to give him a chance. I tell you, if this little fella is any indication of what geldings are normally like, I can't believe what I've been missing! Such heart.

Let's get you up to date. First off, I've named him, and it wasn't exactly a process I took lightly. It had to be just perfect. I landed on "Amicus," which is Latin for "friend." He and I have given our trust to the other without question, much like good friends trust in each other when confronted with a daunting situation.

He takes every lesson head-on, m
eeting each challenge with curiosity and confidence; he's not afraid of anything! I've picked up his front feet, disengaged his hindquarters and forequarters, and wrapped ropes and whips (and anything else I could get my hands on) around his back feet and under his belly. He leads well, will stand willingly for a bath, and even tolerates the squeaky fly spray bottle. The icing on the cake? He'll walk beside me all around the round pen, sans lead rope. It even took Holly (last year's EMM mustang) longer than that to learn that to latch on when asked. He's an intelligent and perceptive little bugger. I'll post videos soon :)

I hope to have him under saddle within the next week and, as long as the weather stays nice, it shouldn't be a problem at all. I can't wait!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Emily you're already making such progress! Can't wait to see the videos.