Wednesday, October 7, 2009
We're Baaaaccckkkkkkk!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Ready to Roam
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
You've got to stand for something...
Monday, August 17, 2009
"No time spent in the saddle is wasted..."
"...As you learn to communicate with the horse and appreciate what he can do for you, it will add a fascinating dimension to your life." -- Mary Gordon-Watson
How accurately stated, Ms. Gordon-Watson! Let me tell you, the past two weeks have totally cemented my bond with Amicus, and they have, like Mary Gordon-Watson stated, added a whole new dimension to my life. My time working with Amicus is my favorite part of my day, and I feel like he looks forward to it also. He consistently gives 110% when we're working together, whether we're doing ground work or riding around in the arena.
The last time I updated the blog we were still working only in the round pen, striving for consecutive forward movement. We've come along way since that point!
After the last post, I did give him a week off to rest his lameness injury. Speaking of which, we're still not completely sure what's going on. Initially, I felt like maybe his shoulder was out of line, so I had the chiropractor come and give him a whole-body adjustment (he did a remarkable job allowing a new human to put her hands all over him!). That didn't fix it. Yesterday, our barefoot trimmer (Alex Sperandeo/Miracle Worker), came over to assess the situation. Alex seems to think that Amicus is kind of disjointed in his legs due to his long hooves, which is causing him to favor. My experience with Alex tells me that this assessment is probably spot-on. He'll be back to trim him again in a couple weeks...I'll keep you updated on that front.
Last week, after our week-long hiatus, Amicus and I took to riding again. He still handled it like a champ! We've done mostly light riding to this point, consisting largely of walking, trotting, turning, stopping, bending, and collecting. We moved up from the round pen to the arena, and I think he enjoys the opportunity to move around a little more.
Remember me telling you how intelligent Amicus is, and how quickly he picks up on things? Well, Amicus is responding so well to leg and seat cues that I'm able to drop the reins and turn both directions, stop, and back up! He's an amazing animal.
I'm starting to think at this point that I'd like to keep Amicus for my own after the competition :)