Saturday, September 6, 2008

The best thing for the inside of a woman is the outside of a horse...

It's crunch time now...Ft. Worth is only about a week away! I just can't believe it; the time has surely flown by. My bond with Holly continues to grow and within the past week this little horse has reaffirmed what I already knew; she has quite a heart. You know that old saying, "There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse?" It's true with her...she is so intuitive and just understands. Horses are different from people in that regard I guess…without using words they know exactly how you feel. Maybe that’s why we feel so drawn to them. Last week, when I needed this little filly the most, we took a little moonlight stroll together, just her and I. If you’ve never taken a little midnight ride (or walk as the case may be) you should. There’s no other time when you feel that special bond. I think it has something to do with the fact that you really have to put trust in your horse…its quite therapeutic.

Now that we all have the warm fuzzies, I’ll move forward to the training...
I’m working with her a good deal now on moving off of my body instead of the lead. It’s working quite well! I’m doing a lot of things now completely leadless. She’ll trot beside me as I jog around and through obstacles, sticking right to my shoulder. I hope that this will continue in Ft. Worth, however this little socialite tends to get distracted by her loyal subjects!

I’m a little stuck on when it comes to teaching tricks…anyone have any good suggestions?

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